
What is Truth Seekers?

This group is a cooperative discussion time about being Berean's of the Word, challenging traditions, and testing the spirits. Seeking the Word for truth, we dive into "hot topics" surrounding the Christian *Religion*, things like manifestation, Bible versions and why the Word is important in the first place. The purpose is to go to the Word to find the answers, not to man.

John 8: 31- 32 "So, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Why did we want to start truth seekers?

Nathan Head-

"After taking a significant break from ministry I experienced a stark reality that as a believer I could either fade into the sunset of my life with minimum involvement in the church or choose to engage. I had lots of seemingly valid reasons why I shouldn't, but the truth was that I really had no excuse. Without excuse or apologizing I desire to see people set free through the power of God and experience Truth."

Ariana Head-

"In the last 4 years I discovered that in my church history actual Bible study was not emphasized. I relied on the interpretation of the speakers or pastors around me. I also had a fear of evil, so when I read the scripture myself, I was fearful of condemnation or fearful of demons. I attended Be in Health in 2021 and I realized that it was the Truth of Scripture that renewed my mind and set me free from Food allergies and demonic oppression. I discovered that studying the Word is my responsibility and that I can be transformed by Jesus -the Word-. It is my desire that all believers know the power of the word and I want to encourage personal Bible study to all I encounter."

Raelyn Mouser-

"I grew up in an environment where questioning beliefs was a sin and a doubtful thing to do. We were expected to simply believe that what we were taught was true and we needed to live it without question. Having come out of that environment I have found great value and encouragement in the reality that God has put all of himself in the Word and that it is possible to know him with certainty. It is important to test the spirits and to know what THE truth is."

What is being Berean?

The Berean's were a people group who lived in the ancient Greek city of Berea, Macedonia. According to Acts 17, they welcomed Paul and Silas and when they heard their words, they "examined the scriptures daily to see if they were true."

We want to be Bereans about the Word! We don't just want to believe everything we hear from man, but we want to go to the Word with the Holy Spirit to confirm the truth!

Foundational Scriptures for Truth Seekers -

Please let us know if you are interested in joining our class!